E4(tm) Editor Ver 1.50 FEATURE LIST
(C) Copyright N.Faulks 1992,1993. All Rights Reserved.

Easy to use
        - Hintline(tm) guides novice users
        - Commentary for Cut & Paste operations
        - ALT is only shift key for commands.
Fast to use
        - Common commands are single keystrokes
        - Fast I/O and other operations
        - less than 40K on disk, 70K in memory
        - Optional 75K help file can be relocated.
Comprehensive context-sensitive on-line help
        - press a key to find out about it
        - look up topics alphabetically
        - press F1 for help with DOS errors
Full mouse support
        - sensible and easy to use, designed by a Mac user
SVGA support for all text modes of your video card
        - 132x50, 100x40, 80x50, 80x28, etc.
Edit multiple files (100+) (64k limit per buffer)
Load filenames with wildcards from inside editor or command line
Filename completion and history editing in all dialogs
resume mode
        - remembers what you were editing weeks before (even if
        you don't)
        - essential for editing AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS
        - per directory Resume State
Macros with learn facility
        - Editable within the editor
        - keystroke macros, named macros and abbreviations
        - Extension specific macros
        - Directory specific macros
Optional extra External Command Modules
        - Programmer's Calculator
        - Date/Time insertion in any format
        - Many more planned
Redefinable keyboard layout, easy and powerful
Sort buffers by filename, date/time, or extension
Pick files from buffer list, or by first few chars of name
Handles Read-Only files
Easy (Mac-style) Cut-and-Paste between buffers
        - Editable Clipboard
Easy line Marking, Copying, Moving
Can use Shift key to mark text
Advanced Search & Replace
        - search (and replace) across all open files
        - Forward/Backwards
        - whole of single file search
        - search to start/end of file
        - optional loop at end of file/all files
        - search marked block
        - search for marked block
        - search for word under cursor (w supplied E4KEYS file)
        - whole word search
        - caseless search
        - find string at start of line/end of line
        - search for eol sequences CRLF/CR/LF
Read or write a block of text from/to a file
        - write can replace, backup or append to target file
        - reads can be undone and relocated
Support for full 8-bit character set
        - edit text of .EXE files
Any character may be entered from the keyboard
Allows direct editing of UNIX and Mac text files
No mutilation of file in any way, including
        - long lines
        - strange characters
        - no CRLF on last line
        - with or without ^Z
File analysis (auto/manual) warns of unusual characters
Block operations
        - search for marked block
        - confine search to block
        - print
        - write to file
        - indent/outdent
        - read block from file
Special backup system dispenses with .BAK files (optional)
Automatic timed saving of all loaded files
Execute DOS commands
        - built-in file deletion and change directory
        - shell to DOS
        - command history and filename completion
        - execute commands directly or using COMMAND.COM
        - copes with CD whilst shelled out
Compile programs from inside the editor
        - Swap text to disk
        - Automatic file saving and reloading
        - Full Error Parsing/Tracking (with registered version)
Template files for creating new files
        - program skeleton files
        - boilerplate memos
        - Template macros, e.g. insert date/filename, etc.
ASCII & Colour Charts
Find Keyboard Scan Codes and MSDOS Error messages
Option settings stored on per-extension basis
Separate colour settings for Colour & Mono displays
Project Files: multiple edit sessions can be stored and recalled
        - allows easy compilation of projects using MAKE
        - automatic project file creation
Picture Mode allows drawing using line-draw characters
        - automatic extension of lines with spaces
        - auto extension of file
WordWrap & WordProcessing modes
        - auto (live) or manual reformating
        - indented paragraphs
        - hanging paragraphs
        - adjustable left & right margins
        - suitable for formatting program comments through to
        simple Word Processing
Print file or block
        - CR or CRLF printers
        - optional FF at end of job
        - Strip or preserve control characters
        - adjustable left margin
        - Initialisation String
        - PostScript printers (using E4PRINT)
Auto Indent for program editing
Optional Tab to Space expansion on entry
Toggle Case, Make UPPER, lower, or Title
Bracket Matching and mismatch location
continuous display of character under cursor as
        - graphic (for controls)
        - hex and decimal
10 Bookmarks/Tags
Onscreen clock
Screen Saver
Easy to install
Configurable using files and/or environment variables
Runs fine in Windows DOS box